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Supporting Orcadian Energy to cut Carbon Emissions through Electrification

Crondall Energy is delighted to announce that we will be supporting Orcadian Energy following their selection by the Oil and Gas Authority to evaluate an approach to the electrification of North Sea oil and gas platforms which will dramatically cut carbon emissions.

The new concept for the electrification of key producing oil and gas fields will initially focus on Central Graben area fields, owned and operated by others. Orcadian’s concept would use renewable energy, generated from local wind farms, for the bulk of the electricity required; with back-up power generated from gas or net zero fuels, supported by batteries for a fast response. The evaluation will also include a commercial proposal for the delivery of electrical power to Central Graben and Central North Sea Operators interested in rapidly implementing electrification of their platforms.

Crondall Energy has since the early concept select stage also been engaged by Orcadian Energy on their Pilot field development. Crondall worked with Orcadian to re-define the selected project concept to significantly reduce GHG emissions through the application of process heat management and the inclusion of a wind farm power system to drive towards OGA’s Net Zero objectives. Following the submission of an addendum to the concept select report, Orcadian Energy has now received a “Letter of no objection” from the Oil and Gas Authority in respect of the development concept for the Pilot field. This letter signals the finalisation of the “Assessment phase” and the entry into the “Authorisation phase” of development planning for the Pilot Field. Learn more here: Concept Select Study for the Pilot Field – Orcadian Energy

Duncan Peace, Crondall Energy ’s Group Managing Director said that “we are pleased to have demonstrated our capabilities to meet the objectives of the energy transition, and that together with Orcadian Energy this has resulted in the significant milestone of the OGA “no objection” letter for the Pilot field development. Crondall has developed a commercially practical solution for the electrification of an offshore platform in the North Sea, thereby achieving the objective of further reducing GHG emissions for offshore energy developments”.

Steve Brown, CEO of Orcadian Energy plc, said that “we have worked with Crondall Energy to adapt the Pilot development scheme to meet both of the OGA’s strategic goals: minimisation of emissions and maximisation of recovery. Pilot will be part of a new generation of development projects in the North Sea which will have remarkably low emissions during the production phase. The challenge which we and Crondall Energy have responded to in the OGA’s electrification competition is to find an economical means to deliver low emissions from existing platforms. We could not have responded so effectively to both of these challenges without the diligence and ingenuity of the Crondall Energy Team, they have been the foundation of our recent successes”.



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